Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Here's What I Heard During the President's Speech

First, if you missed it, here is a nice summary of the speech by the Wall St. Journal. As a representative of HVACR wholesale distributors, here's what I heard last night:
  1. Carbon Cap and Trade Now
  2. It may be more beneficial to be an unprofitable S-Corp than a profitable one
  3. Capital investments in energy efficiency/renewables may be the only capital investments we'll see
  4. We had all better become health insurance experts very quickly

Purely rhetoric no more, the new president is extremely ambitious and American businesses will need to be more politically astute and strategically nimble than perhaps ever before to keep up with what looks like a tsunami of change in the very near future.

All of this aside, perhaps the most significant debate today is the one discussed in this article.

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