Monday, June 21, 2010

Gridlock, Deficits, and an Election Year

I spent much of last week on policy issues trying to poke holes in my own assertions that Washington has all but shut down already for the rest of the year as it pertains to major legislation such as energy/climate, financial reform, and tax policy. Unfortunately I'm now back in Columbus with little evidence to the contrary. Today's piece in The Politico reinforces the Senate's lack of appitite for any more monster initiatives and spending. The key challenge is that there are plenty of smaller, inexpensive or non-spending measure bills out there that could pass, but leadership's insistence on packaging these items into massive, monster-bills with ever-ballooning price tags seems likely to submarine several good ideas. All that being said, I also left D.C. wary of what we might see come up during the Senate's "lame-duck" session after the November elections. These are always unpredictable sessions, and there could be several key Senators no longer with constituencies to worry about pleasing with these votes.

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