Wednesday, February 29, 2012

HARDI Western Distributor Update

California Refrigerant Reporting Deadline Looms
HARDI Western Regional
Thermostat Recycling Mandates Persist

California Refrigerant Reporting Deadline Looms

UPDATE: The California Air Resources Board has extended the deadline to April 1.

For distributors with branches and locations within the state of California, tomorrow (March 1) marks the deadline for reporting 2011 refrigerant sales and transfers to the California Air Resources Board. Distributors are required to register each branch within the state, but reporting should be done on a company-wide basis. If you are having difficulty reporting, the Air Resources Board has made a training video which is accessible from the ARB website.

Reporting requirements also apply to reclaimers and facilities with systems carrying a refrigerant charge of 2,000 lbs or more.

HARDI Western Regional
Space still remains available for the HARDI Western Regional Meeting in Phoenix, AZ (March 11-13). Please, contact Stephanie Lingofelter to register for the event and to learn of limited remaining sponsorship opportunities. Among the topics being discussed:

  • The Future of Incentives for HVACR Products and Systems.
  • A Dozen Things You Can Do in HR that Will Save You a Million Dollars.
  • HARDI Benchmarking: Regional & National Trends.
  • R-22 Reductions? Dry-Ship Issues? Regional Standards? Navigate 2012's bumpy road of policy proposals and get a head start on Election 2012.
Thermostat Recycling Mandates Persist
All distributors with physical locations in California must act as a collection point for waste mercury thermostats and it has come to HARDI's attention the California Department of Toxic Substance Control is conducting pre-enforcement visits to HVACR wholesalers.

Failure to act as a collection point may lead to civil penalties of $25,000 per day, per violation. To avoid penalties, your branches must actively collect waste mercury thermostats. This includes having a recycling container, posting signage promoting the availability of the program at the location and ensuring staff is aware of the program is asked.

For recycling containers or promotional materials, please contact the Thermostat Recycling Corporation.

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