Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Looks Like Upgrades, Early Retirements Keys for 2009 Business

If they're not going to build 'em, it'll have to be about making the buildings we've got better. Perhaps it is that line of thinking that's pulling together many in our industry to urge the government to support energy efficiency investments in existing commercial buildings. The infamous "bailout bill" included an extension of tax deductions for efficiency upgrades in commercial buildings (see HARDI's summary of all the bill's incentives) and now support is brewing again for accelerated depreciation schedules on energy-saving commercial equipment. Check out ASHRAE's and the U.S. Chamber's recommendations to the new administration and Congress. The upside, of course, will be commercial opportunities in 2009, but it appears many of those opportunities could come with a lot more paperwork and compliance burdens.

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